Manually Writing Complex Queries

Manually Writing Complex Queries

Search supports boolean operators to help make more complex queries. The following table shows a few examples of how to make various kinds of complex queries:

Example Search Entry Description
stent OR heart Find all devices that have either the word "stent" or the word "heart" in their Device Identifier Records. (Note: the word OR must be capitalized.)
stent AND heart Find all devices that have both the word "stent" and the word "heart" in their Device Identifier Records. (Note: the word AND must be capitalized.)
stent heart Find all devices that have either the word "stent" or the word "heart" in their Device Identifier Records (This is the same as writing stent OR heart.)
"heart stent" Find all devices that have full phrase "heart stent" in their Device Identifier Records.
stent NOT heart Find all devices that have the word "stent" but not the word "heart" in their Device Identifier Records. (Note: the word NOT must be capitalized.)
sten* Find all devices that have words that start with the letters "sten" in their Device Identifier Records. (Note: The search engine is only accurate when the term the * is being applied to contains three or more characters.)
*tent Find all devices that have words that end with the letters "tent" in their Device Identifier Records. (Note: The search engine is only accurate when the term the * is being applied to contains three or more characters.)